My NHS & Research Journey

My NHS & Research Journey

Read about the latest new team member, Melanie Williams, who joins us from 20 years in the NHS!

Having just completed my twentieth year working for the NHS, I decided to take up the challenge of joining the CIRU team and becoming part of the EDGE Programme as a Client Manager. What led me here? I thought I’d share my journey.

I started out in the NHS as an Appointment Coordinator for two-week wait cancer referrals and after a couple of years, I progressed to become the first UHS Multi-disciplinary Team Co-ordinator for the breast team. I enjoyed this very much, but research came-a-calling when some folks who attended the MDT meetings picked up on my organisational skills, love of lists, and ‘chattiness’, and I’ve never really looked back.

I became a Clinical Trials Assistant and started out working on breast and haematology cancer studies, mainly completing clinical report forms, resolving data queries, and managing site files. As my confidence in the role grew, I asked to attend clinics and became patient-facing, leading recruitment on observational and quality of life studies, as well as working with a fantastic team of research nurses on CTIMP trials.

This is where my love for research really grew. I’ve seen research reap rewards – it works. Being able to contribute towards research that has changed ‘best’ practice and improved the lives of patients and their families has been incredibly rewarding. I think really, I should say I’m passionate about research. I believe all patients should be invited to take part in research if possible. Research gives patients a chance to learn more about their condition and to try new treatments or devices. For most patients, it also helps them to know that their engagement in research provides future patients with a better chance of improved health and social care. 

Research introduced me to EDGE through working on observational, QoL, and CTIMP studies. I found EDGE invaluable whilst working on these – not only did I have immediate access to patient-related documents like PIS, consent forms, and GP letters, I could also update my recruitment data in real-time with patient demographics as well as study-specific identifiers and keep the patient status updated from pre-screened through to completed or off study. This was really time saving when I could complete this data whilst in clinic between patients. It was also super handy being able to download reports via the Excel and PDF features to prepare recruitment reports which I presented at study meetings.

Now that I have moved to CIRU, I’m hoping my experience of being an end user of EDGE can help when dealing with client and user needs. I can see the importance of innovation in the clinical research setting (the roll out of EDGE 3 being one of these), and how fast paced research has become, which is vital to organisations, staff, and all research participants.

EDGE 3 Environments

EDGE 3 Environments

Learn about the different EDGE Environments available to users

As we get close to the launch of EDGE 3, we thought it would be a good idea to explain the different environments of EDGE that you may have already seen mentioned in one of our newsletters or on our website.

There are 3 EDGE environments, EDGE Production, EDGE UAT, and EDGE Demo. Each environment has a unique URL and can be identified and differentiated by the logo displayed on the Login page and at the top left-hand side of the system when logged in.

EDGE Production, EDGE UAT and EDGE Demo logos

EDGE Production is for users to access their organisation’s live instance of EDGE. Within this instance there should be no testing, training, or demonstrations carried out.

EDGE UAT (User Acceptance Testing) is for the assessment of new functionality only. New functions and features are released to UAT for user evaluation before being released to the Production environment. No live data should be entered and stored in EDGE UAT.  

Finally, EDGE Demo. This environment can be utilised by users as a training and demo instance of EDGE. No live data should be entered and stored in EDGE Demo.

So now you know a bit more about the different environments, you may be wondering “How can I get access?”. Well, here is the answer. Access to EDGE UAT will be given first to Lead Administrators within the next couple of months. Lead Administrators can then activate further accounts for staff at their organisation.

EDGE UAT will allow everyone to become familiar with the changes before the EDGE 3 update is pushed to Production. When we go live with Production, all users will be able to access EDGE 3 with their existing EDGE login details.

The EDGE Demo environment will be made available post launch of EDGE Production. Users will be able to access this environment using their current Demo login details. If access is required by further users, they must contact their Lead Administrators.

UAT Milestone

UAT Milestone

Update regarding the UAT milestone on the EDGE 3 Roadmap to Delivery

As we are currently at the UAT milestone on the Roadmap to Delivery of EDGE 3, I thought it would be a good opportunity to share some information on what this involves. EDGE UAT (which stands for User Acceptance Testing) is one of our EDGE environments that is for the assessment of new functionality. We have a select group of Super Users who are currently involved in the UAT process, allowing users to log into EDGE 3, test the system, and provide feedback. They have been selected either through showing keen interest in being involved in early testing of the system or through being heavily involved in EDGE community activities such as speaking at the conferences, taking part in webinars and so on. Not only do we have users from the UK testing EDGE 3, but we also have some of our international users involved, from countries such as South Africa, Belgium, and Canada.

Each member of the UAT group has been shown around EDGE UAT either by Product Manager Nicky Morris or by the user’s regional Knowledge Officer. Then, their EDGE accounts are authorised, and they can log in and test the system. Documentation has been provided to each user for them to complete, including a feedback form and issue report form (if any issues are found of course). Each of our Knowledge Officers are keeping in regular contact with their Super Users to ensure testing and feedback is kept up to date.

User feedback and any issues reported are being handled by the Knowledge and Development teams. Development requests are being logged in order of importance, and all depend on whether they need to be implemented before we go-live with EDGE 3 Production (the Live environment), or whether they are more appropriate to be scheduled into a future release (after live launch).

The next step for UAT involves the Knowledge team linking in with each UK LCRN and Health Board Lead to show them around EDGE UAT and grant them access to the UAT system. This will also allow them access to the EDGE Familiarisation videos which will help them prepare for the launch and ensure they are ready to support their partner organisations. International Leads such as those from New Zealand and India will also be included in this step. Once time has been given to the EDGE Leads and any necessary development work is complete, we plan to launch EDGE UAT to all users marked as a Lead Administrator on the system. Lead Administrators can issue accounts for their end-users if they wish to do so. Following time for testing and feedback, we will then be moving to the next big milestone, the EDGE 3 Production release.

We plan to update the relevant users via email communication on when they will be receiving access to EDGE UAT. So, if you’re one of our EDGE Leads mentioned above, keep a look out for more information coming to you soon. For further EDGE 3 information, don’t forget to visit our dedicated EDGE 3 webpage and download our useful FAQ sheet.

Filming the EDGE 3 Familiarisation videos

Filming for the EDGE 3

Familiarisation videos in preparation of the UAT and Production launch

On the 9th and 10th August, filming of the EDGE 3 Familiarisation videos took place all in preparation of the launch of EDGE 3. CIRU team members that were involved in this project included me, Beth Caruana, CIRU Marketing & Communications Specialist, Tim Gibbons, CIRU Programme Manager, Lindsay Young, CIRU Programme & Operational Specialist Officer, and not forgetting EDGEY, the star of the show (sorry Tim).

The 2 days were spent at the University of Southampton campus as well as at Video Frog Studios in Winchester, working with Gary Schwartz, Video Creator who we previously worked with on a COVID-19 webinar project a couple years ago. After this, we knew Gary would be our go-to when needing any future filming or video work done.   

So that brings us to the EDGE 3 Familiarisation videos, and you may be wondering what they are all about. To put it simply, their purpose is to highlight the changes of the new version of EDGE for existing users. They will help users #GetFamiliar with the new version by going through well-known areas of EDGE and seeing how things have been updated, as well as showcasing new features and functions that the new version brings. There will be two videos available, one for users of EDGE and one for users with admin access to EDGE.

After months of filming preparation including various meetings, script writing, and run-throughs, it’s safe to say a very important milestone was reached in getting this piece of work done and we are one step closer to bringing EDGE 3 to our users. CIRU Programme Manager Tim Gibbons took on the role of Presenter and Narrator of the videos and features alongside our mascot EDGEY in what we hope will be a formative and fun way of learning about EDGE 3.

These videos will be embedded into the EDGE 3 KnowledgeBase (the support area of EDGE found under the KnowledgeBase tab) which is accessible to all users. Giving users the chance to watch the videos, learn what’s different and have the first look into the new version – yes, exciting times!

Initially, access is planned to only be granted to Lead Admins for the UAT (User Acceptance Testing) environment which will enable them to log in and test the new version. Lead Admins are indeed able to grant access to further users at their organisation if they wish. After we have given time for testing and any further development is complete, we will launch EDGE Production (the EDGE 3 live environment) to all our users. The Familiarisation videos will be stored under the UAT and Production KnowledgeBase’s so they will be available to all users who log into EDGE 3.

Stay tuned as we plan to communicate further information to our users over the coming months and remember to #GetFamiliar with EDGE 3!

In the meantime, if you want to know more about EDGE 3, visit our dedicated webpage here.

CIRU Away Day 22

CIRU Away Day 22

Training & team building for the Clinical Informatics Research Unit

On the 18th July we returned to the beautiful Rhinefield House Hotel (a firm favourite of ours for the CIRU Away Days) located in Brockenhurst, New Forest, for the CIRU Away Day 2022. With 39 members of staff, most of the department was in attendance, including all members of the EDGE team (Developers and Knowledge Officers) as well as members from the wider CIRU team (such as Research Fellows, our CORE Analyst Programmers, and Operational staff including our Programme and Marketing teams).

The day was an opportunity for CIRU staff to get together in person (after the long work from home period), which continues for most of our staff. It was an opportunity to meet new members of the team and welcome some of our Sri Lankan colleagues as they begin their time here at CIRU, learning about what we do and the systems and services we provide to the NHS (such as EDGE) to further organisation types around the globe.

The day was led by our Head of Operations Baljinder Gill and Director Professor James Batchelor. Both Bal and James gave a general update on how the Unit is doing and how it has grown over the last 20+ years. Further discussions took place involving the entire department and important information was shared and presented amongst the individual teams. This was valuable in connecting different members of staff together and resulted in each of us having a much better understanding of the different roles and work taking place within CIRU. There was a true element of ‘working together’ throughout the day and it was the perfect chance for everyone to get up to speed on what is happening within the Unit (especially how things with EDGE are developing).

The CIRU Away Day 2022 was certainly a successful day and brought the whole team closer together, sharing useful information as well as lots of laughs and smiles.

CIRU & COVID-19 Summary


Summary on projects related to the pandemic

CIRU was involved in several projects related to COVID-19 which resulted in The Commonwealth Innovation listing the University of Southampton (UoS) as experts in relation to the coronavirus and included some of our team members as leading experts. More details on how our department contributed towards COVID-19 research and provided support is shared below:

The EDGE Programme: The EDGE Knowledge team worked closely with hospitals across the UK and abroad to support them in managing their research portfolio and specifically COVID-19 research. A large number of trials were suspended whilst hospitals re-organised the delivery of their services, ensuring research continues to be delivered safely. The impact COVID-19 has had on the ability of everyone to safely carry out their role in research led to numerous requests to the team to support and develop functions, including remote monitoring, which gave a great deal of support to EDGE users throughout the pandemic.

COVID-19 Saliva Testing Programme: Members of CIRU including the Head of Development David Miller, Data Analyst Pat Oxford, KITE’s Programmer Bart Feenstra, as well as our Director, Professor James Batchelor, worked on a COVID-19 Saliva Testing Programme along with other UoS staff and colleagues from University Hospitals Southampton NHS Foundation Trust (UHS). CIRU’s involvement included the build of the online test registration site for participants, data visualization, as well as programme reporting. The programme has involved tens of thousands of participants and won the VC Public Good award.  

RESIN - Research Investments in Global Health Service: Dr Michael Head, Senior Research Fellow in Global Health from our RESIN team, provided significant expert commentary to the general public throughout the pandemic. He was interviewed on numerous local and national news, including several interviews with the BBC, as well as on international TV and radio stations. Dr Head’s written quotes appeared in all the major UK newspapers and hundreds of international media articles. Through the Research Investments in Global Health study, Dr Head and colleagues have generated data on historical levels of coronavirus R&D funding. This data has been presented at WHO headquarters in Geneva and incorporated into a scientific paper that was later published. More info on RESIN’s contribution can be found here.

CORE - Clinical On-demand Research: The CORE team completed a COVID-19 POC observational study using ALEA eCRF, in which they record lots of data such as medical history, medications, bloods, vital signs, NEWS2 score, screening for 20 odd pathogens (QIAstat) and recording what treatment patients have been given and length of stay, with particular interest in affected health workers.

AXIS - Access Extract Integrate Safe Data: The AXIS team worked alongside colleagues from UHS to meet the need of integrating more technology-based solutions to share data and insights to help solve the global challenge. The teams worked on data integration and analysed real-time clinical information in order to understand high level clinical risk stratification and monitor the progression in COVID-19 patients.

The Commonwealth Centre for Digital Health: The team of Digital Health Fellows from Sri Lanka who form part of the Commonwealth Centre for Digital Health, along with CIRU Director Professor James Batchelor and Professor Jo Nurse, launched an online platform where digital health solutions can be re-used and offer support during the crisis. It also helped to form better collaborations among digital health solution partners and other agencies.