Security & Testing
Security is an integral part of the service which we provide to our subscribers and we work with world leading hosting partners for the secure end to end delivery of EDGE database internationally.
EDGE Sample Security Questionnaire
The EDGE application undergoes annual testing to ensure the security of the system and the data it stores. The penetration test certifies that EDGE has been subject to black box penetration testing and additional security requirements. Please see below a copy of our most recent certificate.
Hosting in United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Belgium, India, New Zealand, South Africa & Cyprus
Hosting for our UK and international subscribers is provided by Microsoft Azure through Cancom UK. Azure is a highly scalable and secure environment and perfect for providing regional EDGE implementations. Its highly secure and robust infrastructure ensures data security and integrity is maintained in data centres local to your geography. These geographically dispersed data centres comply with key industry standards, such as ISO 27001:2013 and NIST SP 800-53, for security and reliability.
EDGE UK – SSL Certification
EDGE CAN - SSL Certification
EDGE AUS – SSL Certification
EDGE BE – SSL Certification
EDGE IN – SSL Certification
EDGE NZ – SSL Certification
EDGE SA - SSL Certification
EDGE CY - SSL Certification
For more information, please visit: