Q&A (Jan - Aug 22)

Discover more about how different users utilise EDGE in their job roles. If you would like to see your trust represented, please email K.Brackstone@soton.ac.uk


Leisa Brailey
Aug 22

Leisa Brailey, Ophthalmic Research Imaging Technician from UH Southampton NHS FT, describes what a typical day looks like within the world of eye research. Often involving the day-to-day handling of ground-breaking eye equipment. As well as much of it also involving having EDGE open. Within her Q&A, Leisa shares how she uses EDGE daily to collect study-related information, and why EDGE is fundamental to her role. 

Annemie Stewart
June 22

Annemie Stewart, Research Operations Manager from University of Cape Town, South Africa, pops in for a summer beverage and EDGE-related natter. Annemie touches on the research landscape, including how EDGE will form part of a rollout with partners from all over Africa. She also reveals the small wins and successes that she has discovered since the EDGE rollout, including the features that she enjoys the most.

Natalie Lowe
April 22

Natalie Lowe from Auckland Cancer Trials Centre, New Zealand, shares how her organisations use of EDGE has grown since their pilot with only a selection of studies, to now having 300+ projects in EDGE. Natalie also shares her favourite EDGE functionality, how EDGE enables them to define gaps in their treatment landscape and their future plans.

Feb 22

Mat Davis, Research Information Manager at University Hospitals Dorset NHS FT, discusses his EDGE finance tools developed in collaboration with Super User Stevie Barre from NHS Lothian and South East Scottish Cancer Research Network. He shares how they can help staff in finance and R&D, as well as talks about his two upcoming webinars that he will run alongside Stevie on 3rd March.

Rachel Mackay
July 22

Rachel MacKay, Senior Data Manager, from SCRN-N, joins us for a refreshing summer beverage and some useful EDGE-related chit-chat. Rachel describes her day-to-day looking after a portfolio of active urology trials, and touches on the research landscape at her organisation. She discusses how she uses EDGE daily  and why the finance function is her favourite functionality to use within the system. 

Bryony Saint
May 22

Bryony Saint, Assistant Research Practitioner at United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust, arrives for a toasty afternoon beverage and chinwag. Bryony works as part of the oncology team at her trust – and every day is never the same. Having used EDGE for a little over 1 year, Bryony reveals the features that she uses most in EDGE, and why these features are important to her new role.

Tanya Ogrina
Mar 22

Tanya Ogrina, Senior Research Nurse at University Hospitals Southampton NHS FT, has worked on a large portfolio of Phase 1 trials and vaccine studies for many years. Patient contact is an integral part of her role. In her Q&A, Tanya discusses how EDGE is used on a daily basis, and provides a convenient and time-saving EDGE functionality tip for clinical staff.

Jan 22

Vicky Joslin, Clinical Trials Coordinator at Cambridge University Hospitals NHS FT discusses at length the specific attributes and workflows that she has set up in her department. She also talks about how other support departments in her trust have started to utilise EDGE in their processes, including pharmacy. Vicky finally talks about her ideas for the EDGE finance function over the next 12 months.