Identification of CTIMP studies in EDGE by CRN West Midlands 

EDGE user

In the CRN West Midlands, the Research Pharmacy community has been working together towards integrating EDGE into their working practices. This includes activities such as workflows and attributes to enable the collection and reporting of data. In order to allow pharmacy involvement at the earliest opportunity (for the collection of study start up data) and to enable the inclusion of all pharmacy data in reports, it is important that these studies are identified as a CTIMP. 

Currently, trying to ensure that all CTIMP studies can be identified is a lengthy process of checking multiple data fields that may apply to this type of study and there is no guarantee that all studies of this type can be identified.

In an effort to resolve this issue, we would like to ask that the CTIMP Yes/No data field (on the main project details page) is completed by R&D /Commercial teams when adding a study onto EDGE.

If EDGE users notice this information is missing, we would like to ask that they contact the owner of the study to ask that this information is completed- thank you. 

Blog post written by CRN West Midlands