Accelerate Conference 2017 speakers and presentations
On this page, you will find all of our speakers that joint us in March 2017 sharing their views, research knowledge and EDGE experiences. If you happened to miss the conference then please visit the support section within EDGE and go to the article Accelerate EDGE Conference 2017 for the speaker presentations.
“The speakers were excellent, I got some brilliant ideas about how to improve local functionality and it was a valuable opportunity to network and improve collaboration with other sites. A very useful conference and I would definitely recommend it!”
Day 1 speakers & Presentations
Professor Peter Johnson
Director Cancer Research UK University of Southampton
Opening plenary: Cancer Research: the value of partnership
Clare Morgan
NIHR Clinical Research Network
Keynote 1: The strategic importance of research
Carolyn Maloney
Head of Research Operations
University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
Plenary 1: Managing a portfolio
Helen Lewis
Research Operations Manager North Bristol NHS Trust
Plenary 2: EDGE and the research landscape
Wendy Fisher
Managing Director Wendy Fisher Consulting
Plenary 3: Moving our focus upstream
Dr Trina Johnson
Programme Manager Alberta Innovates, Canada
Keynote 2: Boots on the ground: Empowering operations to increase performance
Mikayala King
Research Manager University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
Breakout session 1: Managing a research system within a large NHS Trust
Alison Allen
Trust Lead Research Nurse
Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust
Breakout session 2: Getting clinical users on board, overcoming problems, engaging with R&D
Paul Maslowski
Business Intelligence Programme Manager CRN East Midlands
Breakout session 3: How the CRN has implemented EDGE for secondary care, primary care and industry
Debbie Mcphee
R&D Information Officer University Hospital Bristol
Breakout session 7: Project managing a large scale implementation of EDGE
Helene Jones
PhD student University of Lincoln
Breakout session 4: Research project on using EDGE to evaluate clinical trial complexity and workload
Joanna Cantle
Head of Clinical Trials Pharmacy University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
Breakout session 8: How EDGE can help NHS pharmacy departments
Pia Fagelman
Deputy Operations Manager Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Breakout session 5: CCTC experience of developing workflows to manage research activity
Karen Bell
Clinical Studies Practitioner Scottish Cancer Research Network West
Breakout session 6: Using EDGE within a large oncology research network
Day 2 speakers & Presentations
Ed Cervantes-Watson
Head of Funding Innovation Cancer Research UK, London
Keynote 3: Grand challenges- how we can use new tools, techniques and collaborations
Visveswaran Mallayan
Information Manager
University Hospitals Leicester NHS Trust
Breakout session 9: Using EDGE data to provide business decisions and intelligent reports
Alan Geal
Business Manager
University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
Breakout session 13: Using costing templates effectively for commerical studies
Karen Arts (pictured), 3CTN Director, and Rebecca Xu, 3CTN EDGE Coordinator 3CTN Coordinating Cente, Canada
Keynote 4: An improved research community enhanced by EDGE
Kerry Gready and Carly Ringrose (pictured)
CRUK Nurses
University of Southampton
Breakout session 10: How the nursing team utilise EDGE
Louise Bell, Research Manager (left), and Ruth Fennelly, Clinical Trials Assistant (right)
Breakout session 14: Improving communication through EDGE from two perpectives: the force and the dark side
Mayank Patel
Consultant in Diabetes
University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
Plenary 4: Developing health care apps
Jessica Smith
Information Manager
South London CRN
Breakout session 11: Using EDGE within the study support service and industry teams
Louise Knowles
Department of Health
Keynote 5: NIHR Research landscape
Alicia Bravo
Clinical Trials Manager University Hospital Bristol
Breakout session 12: Using EDGE to manage a research project and recruitment from a study manager perspective