Q&A (Dec 19 - Aug 20)

Discover more about how different users utilise EDGE in their job roles. If you would like to see your trust represented, please email K.Brackstone@soton.ac.uk


Kirsty Shearer - aUG 20

Kirsty Shearer, Research Network Manager from Scottish Cancer Research Network pulls out information from EDGE to explore her sites’ recruitment and study dates. She discusses the recent successes of her pilot, in which she collaborated with the cancer research team at NHS Highland in providing a solution for their R&D dept by recording study finance information using EDGE.

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Becky Tonn-Catherall - June 20

Becky Tonn-Catherall, Data Manager from Royal Cornwall Hospital NHS FT, is an expert in setting up EDGE attributes for clinical teams. She shares her best tips and her workflow processes which has allowed for better capacity and demand planning.

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Helen hollis - apr 20

Helen Hollis, Research Coordinator at the The Dudley Group NHS FT, talks about how her team built the EDGE finance tool into open and follow-up studies, and, in doing so, helped to recover over £100k from studies not previously invoiced.

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France Vrijens - July 20

France Vrijens, Head of KCE Trials uses EDGE to pull out recruitment and funding figures from studies funded at her organisation, which she programmes into dynamic dashboards using Power BI. France discusses the challenges that her team have encountered in adapting EDGE to clinical research in Belgium, which is organised somewhat differently.

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James schoales - may 20

James Schoales, Portfolio Data Coordinator from 3CTN, uses EDGE data to generate interactive reports on 220 of the centre’s academically sponsored portfolio trials through Power BI. James discusses how the flexibility of EDGE has increased his team’s decision-making abilities.

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Liz Shenton, Clinical Trials Coordinator at the Airedale NHS FT, was recently awarded the Clinical Award at the EDGE Conference 2020. Liz talks about her passion for helping patients and how her use of EDGE helps to streamline working practices.

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Greg sharplin - feb 20

Greg Sharplin, Research and Strategy Manager at the University of South Australia, has been piloting EDGE at sites for 18 months. He discusses what ignited his interest in utilising the system down under, including the successes and challenges of the work so far.

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Sarah benge & ruth lucas - dec 19

Sarah Benge, Research Operations Manager at Clinical Trials New Zealand, and Ruth Lucas, Research Manager at Auckland District Health Board, discuss the early wins and challenges of piloting trials on EDGE and their ultimate aim of rolling out the programme throughout the entire country.

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