Accelerate Conference 2017 feedback 

We are delighted to reveal the results of our EDGE Accelerate Conference feedback questionnaire, which was completed by delegates who attended our 2-day conference in March. Around 100 delegates completed the form towards the end of the conference (approximately 50% of attendees).

The feedback that we received was overwhelmingly positive. A vast majority of attendees reported that their overall experience was “excellent” or “good,” while a large number of attendees reported that they would have recommended the conference to a colleague. Further, we received tremendous feedback on the quality of our keynote and breakout speakers.

Delegates also provided written accounts of their conference highlights, including key topics of interest from the conference and how they thought the conference could be further enhanced next year. This feedback has shaped new and exciting ideas for next year’s EDGE conference, which include numerous key topics that will help us improve and boost research efficiency in the UK.

Thank you very much to those who attended.

accelerate edge user conference feedback

How you would recommend the conference to a colleague

edge user conference 2017 feedback

Quality of breakout speakers

edge user conference accelerate feedback

Quality of keynote & planery speakers

edge user conference 2017 feedback

Overall experience