In 2019, the requests for AbSPORU support were growing to require a collaborative system to not only capture data from the requests but also provide a streamlined process for each platform (areas of expertise). AbSPORU helps researchers who conduct patient-oriented research with access to experts in data, knowledge translation, patient engagement, and methods. Other supports include career development and pragmatic clinical trials. In 2013, Alberta’s SPOR SUPPORT Unit was the first established unit in Canada.
While other systems were explored and tried, EDGE was chosen as it is easily adaptable to the needs of each platform, as well as the Case Manager who acts as the administrator of the system and triages requests. The separate platforms (areas of expertise) can manage their review process and have visibility into the other areas also providing support and guidance.
By utilising EDGE to manage the intake process, the Unit can have all five province-wide platforms collaborate on a project. This gives the Unit the ability to:
Develop specific attributes that meet the needs of each platform
Build a review process that can generate cycle times
Keep all relevant files and documents in one place
Easily identify the status of each project
Provide metrics at a platform/program level can be collected so business management decisions can be made by using this data
The Unit continues to use the capacity of EDGE to enhance the intake process, and, in the future, working with the EDGE development team, the Unit will be integrating a web-based intake form that will automatically feed data into EDGE so attributes do not have to be manually entered. Also, a financial tracking system will be developed in which the Unit can manage costs for services provisioned by each platform.
Previously, all work had been completed using email and spreadsheets with each platform making the process clunky and prone to missteps. Using EDGE has significantly lowered the email exchanges, intake, and platform review cycle. Platforms have all project information at their fingertips, and reports can be built and generated at the touch of a button rather than weeks of collecting and amalgamating data.
The Canadian Cancer Clinical Trials Network (3CTN) success is dependent on a robust and flexible clinical trials management system (CTMS) with utility for managing and reporting trial metrics of value to both the central Coordinating Centre and Network sites. The best solution was to establish a CTMS to track the metrics and research activities on a common platform that would address the following needs:
Portfolio management - to support the identification and communication of portfolio trials to patients and the public
A data repository to enable analysis and aggregate reporting of collective data derived from participating site reports across Canada without imposing an added burden to the cancer centres
A site trial management tool for centralized, comprehensive tracking of clinical trial activities, staffing, milestones, metrics, and finances in an organized fashion
A virtual platform for site communications and collaboration in sharing best practices
3CTN selected the EDGE system, which was developed in the United Kingdom by the University of Southampton and University Hospitals Southampton National Health Service Foundation Trust. Recognizing some sites have their own in-house CTMS, EDGE adoption was not mandated but instead provided through the CC as a supported option for those centres that expressed the need, interest, capacity and readiness for adopting a system.
The 3CTN CC has developed comprehensive implementation support to interested sites including: live demonstrations of the system, project planning, data structure setup, customized Admin User Manual, lead Admin user training and front-line access to facilitate the roll-out at the site level. The 3CTN CC also hosts monthly teleconferences to promote best practices, resolve user issues and to determine how EDGE can best be used and standardized to benefit all sites across the country.
The success of early EDGE adopters like Juravinski Cancer Centre and Ottawa Hospital has encouraged more sites to consider the benefits of using a CTMS. Cancer centres are using a CTMS to effectively track important trial milestones, regulatory processes, recruitment, reporting and finances. EDGE users have said they are especially pleased with its powerful reporting capabilities, which allows them to follow trends in research activities over time. Using a Network-customized and web-based application like EDGE leads to better performance management and collaboration capabilities within the cancer clinical trial network community across the country. Drawing from its successes, 3CTN is committed to continue to support more cancer centres in adopting EDGE as part of its Strategic Plan for 2018-22.
For more information visit the EDGE section of the 3CTN Y7 Annual Report or visit 3CTN’s webpage: 3CTN EDGE support
“We use EDGE to track all recruitment activities, assign studies, analyze staff workload, share recruitment reports and trial listings, track ethics submissions and approval, upload regulatory documents and centralized files, track basic finance information, among many other uses. If it’s clinical trials related, it’s in EDGE.”