cyber essentials

EDGE is certified in Cyber Essentials


is certified in Cyber Essentials

The CIRU are pleased to announce we have been successful in attaining our Cyber Essentials Certification.

The Cyber Essentials Certification programme was launched by the UK government in 2014 as part of its National Cyber Security Strategy. The primary goal of Cyber Essentials is to improve the cybersecurity posture of small to medium sized enterprises (SME’s) to establish a baseline of cybersecurity hygiene. Cyber Essentials is a certification that is a requirement for organisations bidding on government contracts in the UK, especially those involving the handling of sensitive information.

Our certification demonstrates the CIRU’s commitment and responsibility in managing the security controls of how EDGE is designed, developed, delivered, and maintained. In implementing these security controls, we reduce the risk of vulnerability through common cyber threats and protect organisations’ data from being breached.

Cyber Essentials aligns with the CIRU process of continual improvement, as cyber-threats evolve Cyber Essentials enables us to continually assess and improve our cyber security posture. CIRU continually review the five control areas of Secure Configuration, Boundary Firewalls and Internet Gateways, Access Control and Administrative Privileges, Patch Management, and Malware Protection.

For more information on Cyber Essentials, click here.