
The Monthly EDGE Release

EDGE Logo on grey background

Each month we bring you a new release of the EDGE system which can include new functionality, bug fixes and updates. Before the release goes onto EDGE Live and Demo we first deploy it to the Beta environment a month before for user acceptance testing. Users are given the chance to test any updates or fixes made which are listed on release notes sent out to our local admins, usually on the day after the release. The following month is when the Beta release will go onto both EDGE Live and Demo so if there are any problems we ask our users to let us know before this date via our support line

Helpful points:

  • The release window is usually on the evening of the first Monday of every month (or the first working day after a bank holiday)

  • Release notes are sent to local admins explaining the updates made

  • Contact our support email for any queries or problems with the release

  • EDGE Live & Demo are always in sync

  • EDGE Beta is one version ahead of Live and Demo

The EDGE Environments

EDGE Environment Login Pages

There are three different environments of EDGE available to our users, these being: EDGE live, EDGE Demo and EDGE Beta. Here’s a quick guide on when to use each environment:


The live system used by EDGE and NHS staff. No testing, training or demonstration must ever be carried out on this site.


Designed for demonstration and training purposes in a safe and secure environment. This is also used by EDGE and NHS staff and is maintained as a like for like system comparable to the live system.


Designed for development and testing of functionality updates and this again is used by both the EDGE team and NHS staff. All development work is deployed here first before making its way onto Live and Demo. This means that Beta is one version ahead of the current live and demo systems. The main use of Beta is for user acceptance testing of the new functionality and any testing executed by the EDGE development team.

Prior to the release onto Beta, testing is completed internally to make sure that all enhancements and bug fixes are fit for purpose and suitable for the Live and Demo environments. We then allow users to check new features in Beta to allow an extra level of confidence with our system.

If you have any queries on any of these environments, please contact us at

Do you have your ORCID ID?


What is an ORCID identifier?

Open Research and Contributor ID

An ORCID identifier aims to solve the name ambiguity problem in research by creating a central registry of unique identifiers for individual researchers as well as creating a linking mechanism between ORCID and other current researcher ID schemes. It aims to allow researchers to easily and uniquely attach their identity to research objects such as articles, experiments and datasets. ORCID records hold non-sensitive information such as name, email, organisation and research activities.


ORCID is a non-profit organisation supported by a global community of organisational members. These include publishers, funders, stakeholders and professional associations. It is governed by a Board of Directors and supported by a professional team of people.

How to get your ORCID ID?

ORCID promotes a way of distinguishing yourself in three easy steps:

  1. Register (Get your unique ORCID identifier in 30 seconds)

  2. Add your info (You can enhance your ORCID record with your professional information and link to your other identifiers.

  3. Use your ORCID ID (Include your ORCID identifier on webpages, grant applications and in research workflows.)

Register for a free ORCID ID here.


The ORCID identifier will be making its way onto the EDGE system soon…watch this space!

If you are interested in finding more about ORCID then please visit their website here.