
EDGE 3 launch scheduled for autumn 2021


We recently shared the exciting news with our users that we are planning the launch of EDGE 3 for autumn 2021. This will be following years of hard work by both our Development and Knowledge teams who have been devoted to bringing a new and improved version of the programme to all users globally.

EDGE 3 will be a complete system overhaul from EDGE 2, not only having a brand new interface but it will also contain enhanced features and functionality, making things easier and faster to use. Other positives include: improved user experience using new browser technology, support on multiple devices, faster turnaround time for new functionality development and an improved help & support centre. Further innovation is in the pipeline for EDGE 3 which will be communicated to EDGE users, along with regular updates on the progress. We will also be sharing important information regarding the shutdown of EDGE 2, as well as training and support guidance to ensure users are fully prepared for the new programme.

We will also be engaging with users on the development, testing and feedback of EDGE 3 at relevant times so keep your eyes peeled for further updates from us. Whilst all of the EDGE 3 work is taking place, our Knowledge and Development teams are continuing to support users on EDGE 2 as well as keeping up with the systems maintenance and working on any critical changes when required.  

We are looking forward to sharing more information in the upcoming months - watch this space!

And to finish this short but sweet post, Dave Osler, Head of Knowledge provided me with the following quote which I thought I would share here:

“To say I am excited about the release of EDGE 3 is an understatement. Software is a rapidly evolving area, just look at the companies in the world like Apple, Tesla and Netflix, all able to deliver experiences to people that could barely be imagined 20 years ago. Building applications using new technologies is critical to achieve this, old technology simply cannot cut it anymore in today’s rapidly evolving environment. By utilising these new technologies, we can make huge strides forward at pace to deliver the solutions people need, when they need them. Clinical Research itself is rapidly evolving and needs organisations that can keep pace with it. Ultimately, research management is about delivering better care for patients and EDGE 3 will be the cornerstone that supports us all in delivering this”.

Check out our EDGE 3 promotional animation here.

Get the Know|edge


The EDGE programme has always promoted collaborative working through its specially designed features and online working environment. As a team we encourage our community of users to work together and share ideas in order to increase efficiency and remove the duplication of efforts, which can often happen in the world of research administration.

One of the ways we try to keep users up to date with what other users are doing in the hope that this may inspire more learning and an increase of usage of the system is through our monthly newsletter known as Know|edge. The newsletter is emailed to all users who have local administrator access to the system but is also tweeted out through our @EDGEclinical account each month.

The newsletter features a Q&A with a specially selected EDGE Super User who is asked questions by our very own Research & Insight Analyst Dr Ken Beeson-Brackstone, which cover their use of EDGE, their research background and he often throws in the ‘What function of EDGE most resembles you?’ which is always an interesting one!

Through the success of the newsletter and the Q&A we know that our users like to learn and know more about other members of the community and what they are doing at their organisations in relation to EDGE. Our annual EDGE conferences then plays a big part in this, bringing the community together to learn and share ideas. But, as we concentrate on the build of EDGE V3 we are taking some time off from planning the next big event which has left the marketing team thinking of new ideas to keep users engaged and connected with one another.

This has led to some new and exciting communication streams recently launched. The first being the Super User Top Tips where each month an EDGE Super User will share their top 5 tips on a certain EDGE related topic or function to help other users with getting started. The top tips are shared within the Know|edge newsletter, as well as tweeted and also found on our website Each of the top tips have been designed into a poster format which can be shared amongst users or printed for displaying at your organisation.

The next new communication stream is a series of training webinars called Advance, which will star a different Super User each time who will demonstrate areas of the EDGE system in a form of training. We are currently going through a list of topic requests and hope to release more information as soon as possible.

We hope these new ideas are beneficial to our existing EDGE users and look forward to seeing the outcomes!

If you would like to subscribe to our monthly Know|edge newsletter then please email

Take Research To New Heights

CIRU Team EDGE conference

I wanted to start by saying thanks to everyone who attended the 2020 conference which we held at Farnborough International Exhibition and Conference Centre earlier this month. It was a real success with close to 400 delegates through the door.

Thank you also to our wonderful speakers who brought their knowledge, expertise and humour to the event, allowing delegates to learn in a relaxed but productive way. Thanks to our new and returning sponsors and exhibitors, who provided support for the event as well as interacted with delegates during the lunchtimes.

This year we changed hosts and had Dr Kevin Fong lead the main room and introduce all of our keynote speakers. As a medical doctor and space medicine expert, Kevin was very fitting for this role with our aviation inspired theme.

We tried to keep to the new heights and airport theme as much as possible by having a bag drop area for delegates, e-ticket registration process and electronic screens which displayed the agenda in a departure board style layout - just a few things to add to the overall conference experience.

Us a team are extremely happy with the way the conference went and we believe the choice of venue (being located next to Farnborough airport) was an excellent one for our theme – TAKE RESEARCH TO NEW HEIGHTS. The venue allowed us to use multiple rooms to host user-led breakout and workshop sessions specifically on EDGE functionality and experiences. The conference also played a big part in celebrating 20 years of EDGE at the Clinical Informatics Research Unit as this was highlighted throughout the day by our hosts, as well as a special 2020 puzzle we had displayed in the networking area.

One of my highlights of the event was having Freddie, a 9-year-old boy present all by himself on how research has helped his life dramatically after having a severe peanut allergy. His presentation was a lovely reminder to why everyone is doing the job they are doing, for the patient. I also can’t forget the opening of the conference which was definitely another highlight for me. Here we had an airline safety demonstration by some members of the EDGE team, this certainly brought some laughs to the room and reminded delegates of some useful information, like remembering to wear their passports (delegate badges) at all times.

We are now thinking about what to do in 2021 and will be working on ways to improve the conference following useful feedback provided by delegates through an online survey.

Look out for future news coming from us with our 2021 plans!

Celebrating Collaboration

Collaboration at EDGE Clinical Research

Trying to summarise the changes that have occurred during the past 12 months within the Clinical Research Networks with which we work so closely is too big a task for one evenings work and I’d only be scratching the surface which wouldn’t really do it justice. Therefore I’m going to concentrate on an aspect that has almost come as an unintended side effect.

The procurement and implementation of LPMS systems across England has been challenging, time consuming and to some very frustrating. To others the provision of a system to manage their research portfolio on has been a blessing, allowing them to reduce the number of onerous spread sheets that contain silos of information and combine this all into one place.

This implementation of a single system across an entire network geography has created an opportunity for people to come together and discuss the issues they are having with their research management. R&D departments especially are sharing more and more advice and support with each other and through this are helping create new standards and ways of working that will drive forward research management. These communications networks that have formed amongst research staff haven’t been forced, they haven’t been the result of a new policy or countrywide attempt to make people communicate more. They have come as a result of people willing to share their hard work with others, and people willing to pick up the phone and ask how someone else has done it.

There is still a long way to go and we really have only skimmed the surface of what can be achieved via collaborative working like we have seen, but what we have seen so far has been more than anyone expected. Who’d have thought databases could have such a social effect on people!

By Dave Osler (EDGE Knowledge Officer)