The host
After the last successful conference with Fergus Walsh as host we are thrilled to have him back in 2019. Fergus is the BBC's Medical Correspondent. He appears mainly on the Six and Ten o’clock TV News on BBC1 and his reports are seen globally via BBC World News. Fergus also reports for Panorama, the world’s longest-running investigative TV programme. He can be heard on the Today programme and BBC Radio 5 Live. He also writes for the BBC news website. Fergus joined the BBC in 1984. In the late ‘80s he was the BBC’s Legal and Home Affairs Correspondent covering issues such as crime, terrorism and miscarriages of justice. Fergus is a strong advocate for the crucial role of medical volunteers and has taken part in several clinical trials. He has had his genes sequenced, his brain, heart and other vital organs scanned – all filmed for television reports.
FERGUS WALSH- BBC Medical Correspondent, BBC
Keynote Speakers
University of Southampton
“Into the future with EDGE & CIRU”
FRANCE VRIJENS- Expert Statistician, Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre
"Belgium goes EDGE- Beyond beer, chocolate & waffles"
CLARE MEACHIN- Associate Director of Nursing, NIHR CRN CC & Deputy Chief Officer, CRN South London
“Close to the edge – why does all this matter to the patient?”
STEPHEN LOCK- Head of Business Intelligence,
"The future of Business Intelligence at the CRN"
PROFESSOR TRUDIE LANG-Professor of Global Health Research, University of Oxford
"Harnessing Digital Technology to Drive Health Research”
MARIANNE TOMSA- Therapy Relationship Manager/Study Start-Up Specialist, Roche
“What makes a good site from a pharma perspective”
SARAH WILLIAMS- Associate Director of Research & Improvement, Solent NHS Trust
"Let’s get messy: Research in the Real World”
JOANNA CROUCHLEY- Project Manager & Senior Information Scientist, ESMS Global
“Medical Emergency Response & Unblinding in Clinical Trials”
CAROLYN MALONEY- Head of Research Operations, Leicester NHS Trust
"Connecting the Sponsor"
SARAH BENGE- Research Operations Manager, Cancer Trials New Zeakand, University of Auckland
“Giving the EDGE to Auckland”
Breakout Speakers
LUBNA KHAN- Principle Pharmacist R&D, Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust
"Using EDGE to support the delivery of research in Pharmacy”
ANTHONY HOMER- Clinical Trials Assistant, Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
“EDGE: The Cornerstone of Connection”
DR MARIA MAQUIRE- Acting Director of Research Operations, The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust
“Flexing EDGE to support service departments in recording & reporting research activity”
HELEN LEWIS-WHITE- Research Operations Manager, North Bristol NHS Trust
“Transparency addressing opaque problem- tracking & managing responsibilities as a Sponsor”
ALEX JONES- Acting Research Delivery Manager, CRN Wessex
“EDGE within primary care”
PARDEEP JANJUA- Senior Clinical Trials Pharmacy ATO, Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust
"Using EDGE to support the delivery of research in Pharmacy”
IDRIS AURANGZEB- Senior Info Manager, Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust
"Get Connected: A Digital approach to study setup in Leeds”
STEPHEN COLEMAN- Clinical Trials Pharmacist, University Hospitals of Leicester
“Making EDGE & Pharmacy work for you”
DR GEORGE TWIGG-Information Officer & Data Analyst, Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust
”Making an Appointment with EDGE: Capturing, Presenting & Analysing Patient Data within a CRF”
JOANNE WORMLEIGHTON- Lead Research Radiographer, University Hospitals of Leicester
“Using EDGE to manage the support service approval process within imaging”
TRACY CRIPPS- Research Governance Manager, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
"EDGE connecting with Research Delivery: Finance module"
RICHARD EVANS- Performance & Industry Manager, Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust
"Get Connected: A Digital approach to study setup in Leeds”
STEVEN BARRE- Informations Systems Project Manager, Glasgow Clinical Research Facility
“The 5 minute cost template import trick”
Clinical Governance Advisor, Bournemouth University
“Implementing EDGE- a University’s journey”
LPMS Manager, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
"EDGE connecting with Research Delivery: Finance module"
MIA JONES- R&D Information Manager, Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust
"Attributes & workflows- Connecting trust departments & performance”
WILL ROE- Information & Performance Officer, St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
“The 5 minute cost template import trick”
GAURIKA KAPOOR- Operational Manager, Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust
“Transforming Research Management with EDGE: Practical Tips for Implementing Change”
WORKSHOP sessions and meet & greets
TRACEY HOLE- EDGE Champion and R&D Information Analyst, Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust
"Finance” workshop
VISWIN MALLAYAN- Business Intelligence Manager, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
“Power-BI tips on how to create intelligent reports” workshop
ALEX JONES- Acting Research Delivery Manager, CRN Wessex
Primary Care meet & greet
SHANE JACKSON- NICRN Porfolio & Web Manager, Northern Ireland CRN
"Building and running useful reports in EDGE” workshop
JOANNA CANTLE- Head of Clinical Trials Pharmacy, University Hospital Southampton
Pharmacy meet & greet
SEAN SHILLITO- Senior Research Coordinator, CRN North West London
Primary Care meet & greet
REBECCA TONN CATHERALL- Research Data Manager, Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust
“Using attributes to capture additional info” workshop
LUBNA KHAN- Principle Pharmacist R&D, Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust
Pharmacy meet & greet
DERK ARTS - Founder & CEO of Castor EDC
“How standardised medical research data, FAIR & FHIR will shape the future of healthcare research”
DR MARIA MAQUIRE- Acting Director of Research Operations,
The Clatterbridge Cancer Centre NHS Foundation Trust
“Learn workflows” workshop
PARDEEP JANJUA- Senior Clinical Trials Pharmacy ATO, Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust
Pharmacy meet & greet
We will have a number of training workshops available for new, clinical and admin users, all ran by the EDGE Knowledge team. These will cover a range of different EDGE functionality, including finance, workflows, attributes and reports.